Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Task 5b

"Code of practice is a set of written regulations issued by a professional association or an official body that explains how people working in a particular profession should behave. A code of practice helps workers in a particular profession to comply with ethical and health standards."

After going onto the gov website i found this:

The rules and regulations seem self explanatory, but what i find interesting is how much they compare to my current job now which isn't in the teaching field. The standard rules of punctuality,behaviour and healthy and safety all stand as the same which apply to me now. I found this an interesting read as i will be entering the world of teaching very soon!

1:1 with Paula

Ive just finished my tutorial with Paula and it was  really good to go over some loose ends.
I have developed my idea a lot since the start of this module, after reading some literature i have taken my original ideas abit deeper and i have expanded my thoughts. My original idea was child development in dance mainly looking at children ages 2-5 in baby ballet and tap classes but after doing some research i have decided to look at social and physical development. My new questions are:
How does dance develop children in education?
How does social and physical development connect?
how is social development viewed in the current curriculum?

Im now going to look into whether i should do primary and secondary and get 2 views from each or just stick with the one. Im going to do my ethics forms from a freelance prospective as i might not always be in a school for a long period of time. After talking to Paula about how i have maybe side tracked and am i taking on to much she said that the learner decides whats important to them which is what i am going to stick by. I am really getting into the topic of social development and i think that shows through all of my other ideas. Now back to my literature for the rest of the morning with a big cup of coffee!

Please feel free to comment!

Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Books Books Books!

The books i ordered off the MDX library arrived can't wait to start reading!

Skype session 14/3

Alice Chris and I had a Skype session yesterday lunchtime about reader 5 ethics and how to start to plan our proposal plan of action. We each spoke about our current ideas for our enquiry and gave each other pointers about where to take it next. We spoke about how the enquiry questions are for you and your own research and findings and how they differ from the interview questions. Chris made a great point about how in the past if we conduct our own interview we can sometimes word the questions in our favour so we get the answers that we want to hear to back up our research. I haven't started my interview questions yet as i will be having a tutorial with Paula to discuss mine further. As I'm not currently working in a school as of yet but when i start my enquiry i could be so this might mean i have to look at the freelance route of questions as i may be in more than one school during this study period. We also discussed going deeper with our data and information and speaking to the right people who have the knowledge you need. Ethics was a big part of this session as we spoke about how important it is to follow the universities guidelines whilst interviewing or talking to people, for instance if you are going to be interviewing staff do it in your own time so its not affecting anyone else who is working and asking suitable questions that aren't going to make anyone feel uncomfortable. My enquiry is going to be around child development in dance as i have taught a lot of baby ballet and tap classes but i have to be careful how i go about the ethical side. It was good to get those few loose wires sorted that i had in my mind and i now feel confident and ready to start my proposal which is due in on my birthday (NOOOOOOOO) but that just means i will have to be extra organised and make sure that i submit my work in advance! I have taken a lot away from yesterdays session and i am going to take a look at reader 6 today.

Tuesday, 14 March 2017

Literature Article

I have found an article on the MDX site which was a great read. 


Why we think we can't dance: theory of mind and children desire to perform.
The experiment they do is two non performance tasks(colouring and choosing shapes) and two performer tasks(sing a song and do a dance)  they go to a summer camp in the US and have an age range of children between 3-12 and the results are interesting. As the children go up in age their self esteem decreases and the younger they are the more likely they are to choose the sing and dance options. The discussion behind this is that children as young as the age of 4 can start to develop embarrassment and self esteem issues which make them choose the non performer tasks. 
Here is the table of results taken from the article:

Age (years)Theory of mind (SD)Self-esteem (SD)% Sing% Dance% Circle% Color
30.25 (0.78)4.77 (0.45)75503838
40.56 (0.81)4.82 (0.24)63503850
50.89 (1.13)4.61 (0.50)56563950
62.08 (1.24)4.44 (0.58)42425858
72.24 (1.03)4.16 (0.72)24247182
82.47 (0.87)4.24 (0.80)41295971
92.69 (0.79)4.27 (0.65)31256975
102.60 (0.63)4.38 (0.65)33276080
112.80 (0.41)4.13 (0.92)20138087
122.76 (0.56)3.76 (0.67)61282100
This second graph also shows the same results but in a different format 

Im so glad i found this article as it has made me realise that i am going forward with the right enquiry in mind. I also want to research more into the theory of mind in children.

Friday, 10 March 2017

Task 5a Codes of practise in my work place

Ive been doing some research into the nandos culture of my restaurant and i have been comparing it to a teaching environment. I have discovered that considering they are so different their are actually a lot of similarities. I made a list and compared both job titles. A lot of skills i have learnt at my current job have really excelled me into the teaching world. I believe that the guidelines i have discovered since working at nandos do  apply to teaching also.

respectful: nandos we have to respect all staff,managers and especially customers. Teaching you want respect from all other members of staff and students.

family environment: Nandos is known for living to its family name of all staff being close and getting on. Teaching may not be completely the same but spending everyday with the same teachers can make you long life friends.

valued: Nandos live by family values and making sure everyone is pulling the same weight within working hours. Teachers like to feel valued by all colleagues.

team work: As i previously said nandos have a massive push towards us all getting along and working together, when we have really difficult shifts we all seem to pull together when it really counts. Teachers must work together to meet deadlines and all have the same ambition to get the best out of each student.

attendance: Obviously attendance is a crucial part of being respected by other employees and managers, same for teaching.

organisation: I have a lot of things to plan for my meetings at work and scheduling training plans can be time consuming but require a lot of organisation. As a teacher you have to do lesson plans ahead of time which require a lot of organisation.

Leadership skills: I have gained alot of leadership skills whilst working at nandos as i run shifts so a lot is depending on me to make sure the customers are receiving the best possible service. As a teacher you have to have enough leadership skills to confidently run a class and control it on your own.

Confidence: I have gained a lot of confidence since having a promotion at work. Teaching requires a lot of confidence also, this is something i am continuing to work on as I'm not fully at my peak of confidence whilst conducting a class.

please comment! :)

confessions of my workplace

a good read..its so true!

Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Task 4c- Literature

I have registered for the MDX library and i have requested a few books to be posted to me. The main one i am excited to read is Child development and learning through dance / James H. Humphrey ; foreword by Lynnette Y. Overby. It took me a while to find a book that was on child development but focused on learning through dance i hope this book gives me a good insight into what I'm looking for.
If its a good read i will let you all know for anyone else who is wanting to do an enquiry around a similar topic.

Monday, 6 March 2017

SIG Meet Up

The other day i met up with Lydia from BAPP course she is a very good friend of mine, we studied at the same drama school and live not to far away from each other so we decided to meet up grab a coffee and discuss our enquiries to pick each others brain! it was quite comforting that we both felt in the same mind space which is are we going down the right path with our choices so far? We discussed our ideas and started to brain storm the key words to see if they had any connections. I know that i want to do my enquiry around child development through dance but i don't want to make it to vague that it would turn out to be an endless enquiry with no answer. These are some of the notes i made under the branch of child development:

life style choices
social skills
learning how to copy
middle class people?
initial reasons behind why parents send their children to dance classes so young
does it effect us in the later life
are people who danced from a young age still active now?
why do the dance teachers provide lessons for children so young?

I know that Lydia really found it useful with having my input into her ideas and once we started the swing of brain storming it just flowed naturally until we had a page full of notes and ideas!

I know there is a lot to work with and a lot to think about but in the mean time i am going to look at some literature about child development and maybe ill find a specific topic which interests me the most.
Any comments or feedback would be appreciated!