Friday, 16 September 2016

Organising my life begins...


So today I am dedicating some time to printing the handbook off so i can go through it properly. I plan to highlight key factors that i will need to refer to, I think i need to do this so i have an even better understanding of what work i need to crack on with! Also going to TRY to master how to attach my university email onto my personal email just to make things abit easier for me. I have found a few peoples blogs who have done this course before and reading through these are a massive help! I would recommend anyone who is struggling or not quite sure what to do to get going to spend abit of time reading through other peoples blogs and reading through their pages. Im still trying to get used to how to use this page and what it is exactly i need to do but i know aslong as i am trying my best with these blogs and to be pro active that the rest will come with time and practice!
hope everyone is having a fab friday!!


Sunday, 11 September 2016



So here it very first blog of many! So on friday evening (9th september) i had my very first Skype induction with Paula and the rest of the group who are doing the course. I feel so much better after the phone conversation it cleared up a lot of questions i had been thinking about over the last few weeks and also was good to hear everyone else's stories and what everyone else is wanting from the course. I still need to print off the handbook and have a really good read but for now i thought just doing a quick first blog is the best place to start! really looking forward to getting stuck in with the work and reading everyone else's blogs!

happy sunday everyone!!!!